Tuesday, December 9, 2008

More on Exertion

I got an e-mail from a fellow Sangha member (Ann Cason) about my refuge name. I can see my most difficult challenge... The second one.

My emotions are like a beautiful woman saying "come hither for nice little fuck".
I am horribly seduced by them.

From Ann:
I checked the 1974 seminary transcript which says that the fourth bhumi is called otrowa which means radiating light. Exertion is the kind of hard work that comes from joy. The general heading of the practice of exertion is humility or transcending pride.

There are 5 types of exertion.

The first is called the exertion of armour. The radiating light is an armour of willingness to see through yourself completely and not stop half way through.

The second is the exertion of effort which means that you practice not being seduced by your emotions.

The third is the continual awareness kind of exertion.

The fourth is immovable exertion. The example he uses is that if your wife dies, or you inherit a billion dollars, you stay steady and finally

The fifth exertion is transcending pride. You don't pat yourself on the back to show how much you have exerted yourself.

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